Myths About Vitiligo
MYTH: Only dark-skinned people get vitiligo.
FACT: Vitiligo affects people of all races equally; however, it may be more noticeable in people with dark skin.
MYTH: Vitiligo is related to other skin diseases such as skin cancer, leprosy, and albinism.
FACT: Vitiligo is a completely different condition and is not related to skin cancer, leprosy or albinism.
MYTH: Vitiligo only affects skin that you can see, such as on faces and hands.
FACT: It can occur in any part of the body, but is more noticeable in the uncovered parts such as on face and hands.
MYTH: Vitiligo is made worse by eating certain combinations of foods.
FACT: It is not affected by food choices.
MYTH: Leucoderma is infectious
FACT: It is purely non infectious disease.
MYTH: Vitiligo is always hereditary.
FACT: Only 30% of vitiligo cases show hereditary background. In the majority of patients, there is no family history .Even if one person in a family is affected, in most patients, other members of the family do not get the disease. For this reason, there is no bar for these patients to get married and lead a normal life like any other person.
MYTH: You can predict who will have vitiligo and how extensive the disease will be by looking at them.
FACT: There is no superficial way to predict who will have vitiligo. The diagnosis of vitiligo is made based on a physical examination, medical history, and laboratory tests, sometimes including a biopsy.
MYTH: Vitiligo spreads all over the body
FACT: No, in most cases, leucoderma does not spread all over the body. It is important to note that there are different types of vitiligo which behave differently. It can be localized, segmental, generalized, acrofacial etc.
MYTH: Leucoderma can not be treated and Treatments are not effective.
FACT: There are a number of excellent treatments available and Vitiligo can be treated effectively in most cases.
At our centre , we do treat it with specialized Laser treatment.